Auditory Integration Training, AIT, Berard AIT, Auditory, Auditory Integration

 AIT Helps Improve the Lives and Learning of Those with Autism, ADHD, Hyperacute Hearing, Speech Delays & 10 Days.

The AIT Institute is the #1 Provider off AIT At Home Services globally and is the largest AIT resource website in the world.

AIT is the #1 clinically studied auditory based educational intervention!  All sessions are conveniently completed at home under the supervision of an AIT Practitioner. AIT services are available in the USA, Canada and other English speaking countries.

AIT requires 10 hours of sound therapy, with 20 sessions of 30 minutes each, done 2 times daily over 10 consecutive days.  This listening therapy helps to correct hyperacute hearing,  tinnitus and other auditory challenges.

AIT has been used successfully with children and adults with many different diagnoses for over 60 years.  

Remarkable results are achieved for many families. There are more than 60+ years of clinical research and 28+ scientific studies on AIT.

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Auditory Processing Disorders: Classroom Accommodations and Modifications Checklist for APD

From Technical Assistance Manual on APD (PDF), University of Florida

The learning environment must be highly redundant for a student with a central auditory processing disorder (CAPD). The student should have to expend as little energy as possible to obtain critical information delivered in the classroom, at home, and in other social and learning environments. The following accommodations and modifications are recommended for this student to improve access to auditory information and are specific to the student’s CAP deficit(s). The accommodations and modifications are presented according to Florida’s Matrix of Services. For further information, refer to the current edition of the Matrix of Services Handbook and the Accommodations book, both available through the Clearinghouse.


  • Provisions made in how a student accesses and demonstrates learning.
  • Adjustments to presentation to or response from student that does not change the content or the intended outcome.


  • Changes in what a student is expected to learn and demonstrate.
  • Changes in content, requirements or expectations.

Domain A: Curriculum and Learning Environment

______Acoustically modified classroom
______Reduce/minimize distractions:
           ___ auditory ___ visual ___ tactile
______Flexible preferential seating
______Provide isolated area for independent work (e.g., study carrel)

______Gain student’s attention prior to delivery of information
______Use outlines, organizers, study guides
______Use technology to provide visual clues (e.g., overhead, computer)
______Emphasize critical information
______Monitor student’s attending skills; provide breaks if necessary
______Provide teacher notes
______Pre-teach vocabulary
______Use peer partners
______Use cooperative learning groups
______Provide visual augmentation
______Modeling (clear demonstration of student performance expectations)
______Use manipulatives
______Reduce language level or reading level of assignments
______Adjust difficulty level and length of assignments
______Speak clearly without over exaggerating; adjust rate as needed
______Extend time for task completion
______Give extra cues or prompts
______Provide alternative grading system
______Avoid penalizing for spelling errors

______Teach test taking strategies
______Provide alternative testing options
______Read test to student
______Allow oral response
______Provide tape recorded tests
______Allow tape recorded responses
______Allow someone to record student responses
______Preview language of test directions
______Allow real world application/assessment
______Tests administered by ESE teacher
______Extend testing time
______Provide alternate testing formats:
            ___ multiple choice ___ short answer ___ essay
            ___ fill-in the blank ___ true/false ___ open book

Domain C: Independent Functioning
______Provide self-advocacy training and reinforce student’s use
______Teach organizational strategies
______Teach study skills
______Use visual daily schedule and calendars
______Train students to “look and listen”
______Review and check often for understanding
______Have student paraphrase directions
______Use study sheet to organize material
______Review and practice in real life situations
______Organize long-term assignments into manageable, sequenced steps
______Vary type of response (e.g., copying, recognition, recall with cues)
______Allow time for transitioning activities
______Keep parents, teachers, and other professionals informed of student’s independent functioning

Domain E: Communication
______Use FM system
______Use ear plugs to reduce distractions
______Use tape recorder
______Provide note taker assistance
______Provide assistive technology as needed
______Use listening cues
______Keep parents, teachers, and other professionals informed of student’s communication strategies
______Encourage and praise student for participation in expressive language activities


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